Tenaska is developing a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project that would serve emissions customers in north Mobile County, Alabama. The Longleaf CCS Hub aims to support regional industries in meeting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions regulations and climate mandates. The project will bolster economic stability and growth by enabling existing businesses to comply with environmental standards and attracting new ventures, thereby expanding employment opportunities.

The Longleaf CCS Hub will be a catalyst for economic growth in the region, generating substantial benefits during both the construction and operational phases. The economic projections detailed below reflect the Longleaf CCS Hub storage field and small pipeline network that connects the storage field to local customers. It does not include the investment of those customers needed to install and operate CO2 capture equipment.

Construction of the Longleaf CCS Hub is expected to span three years. The economic impact study estimated that construction would result in the following benefits (direct, indirect and induced) for the region: 

  • 770 jobs, with $208 million in employee wages, salaries and benefits
  • $618.6 million in economic revenue impact1
  • $303.9 million in value-added2 activity
  • $69.9 million in tax impact

Once operational, the project is estimated to have an annual impact (direct, indirect and induced) for the region that includes:

  • 18 jobs, with $6.2 million in employee wages, salaries and benefits
  • $24.7 million in economic revenue impact1
  • $9.5 million in value-added2 activity
  • $2.1 million in tax impact 

We’re proud to be making this long-term investment in Alabama. As envisioned, the Longleaf CCS Hub will provide an innovative business solution assisting manufacturers, power plants, industrial processors and other industries in South Alabama – and particularly along the Highway 43 corridor – meet emissions regulations and carbon reduction goals. 

In addition to the benefits shown above, the project will support those existing businesses and others looking to locate in the region in keeping jobs, tax revenue and other socioeconomic benefits from their facilities in the area.

Please click here to view and download our fact sheet

You can view our full announcement here: Tenaska’s Longleaf CCS Hub to Bring Economic Benefits to South Alabama – Longleaf CCS Hub 

1 REVENUE IMPACT: refers to the overall economic activity generated by the project’s activities, which is distributed in the economy through hiring, purchases, taxes and other Value-Added Impact.

2 VALUE-ADDED IMPACT: refers to the Revenue Impact minus the costs of the necessary goods and services of the overall project; equivalent to contributions to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

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